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Dear ODF Toolkit users,

as Michael already mentioned we have finally done two releases in a row.
After the migration of our project to “The Document Foundation” in 2019,
these are our first releases at TDF:


   With the 0.9.0 release <>,
   we have our last JDK 8 release (due to a switch of the Java Doc
Taglet API we
   are using <>). We
   also drop the Simple API (which was once forked from our ODFDOM doc Java
   by IBM but not merged back, leaving lots of duplicated code unable to
   embrace our new change API
   And the XSLT Runner Ant plugin was removed as we are no longer using Ant
   but Maven (avoiding testing unused functionality).

   With the 0.10.0 release <>,
   we support the next LTS JDK 11 version and our new change API
   that was implemented by myself for Open-XChange's web office OX Documents
   <> - thanks to them,
   especially Malte Timmermann and Rafael Laguna for keeping the Apache
   License 2. Unfortunately, OX forked before I started there and it took me
   several months - and some sponsorship from a PrototypeFund project - to
   merge manually every file and enable all tests again (which some OX
   colleagues had disabled as they took too long...). (Please check out the
   PrototypeFund <>: Any German taxpayer may
   apply with some open-source project/idea!!).

I would like to thank also all those numerous folks
<> assisting us to
make this work - especially recently in pushing this forward!

Especially, I would like to congratulate Michael Stahl to become officially
the co-maintainer of this project. Michael has been my long term colleague
(from StarOffice Hamburg times) and helps me constantly drop
procrastination and/or fix issues I am no longer capable to realize. In
addition, Michael and I are also sharing the title being OASIS ODF TC
co-editors. There at the ODF TC, we envision having a faster turn-around of
ODF spec deliveries and making their information set more readable for
downstream software as we are. Thanks to allotropia <>,
Michael’s employer, for providing him with the time for working on these

So what's next? Obviously, it's more than time to release an ODF Toolkit

Personally, I would like to get the Code generation right, but keep as much
stability to prior releases as possible. Michael and my aim is to work from
the end of January on this release (any helping hand is most welcome) :-)

There is also ODF 1.3 to be embraced by a release in the near future.

Early February, I will likely have an online talk at the FOSDEM at the
LibreOffice dev room
<> about our
project and what I intend to do next year.

In a nutshell, was able to receive some NGI Search funding for this project
to enable search in ODF documents

Aside from the obvious search API - focusing on one higher-level based on
user semantic and likely having also one lower-level based on XML, I would
like to refactor my "spaghetti feature code" in the SAX parser
that made the implementation of the changes close to unmaintainable. Sorry
for that, not my first and likely not my last mistake - but I am learning!

Going to work out a more elaborate picture of our roadmap for the FOSDEM

Until then, have fun with the ODF Toolkit


Am Mo., 13. Dez. 2021 um 12:47 Uhr schrieb Michael Stahl <>:

hi folks,

as some of you may have noticed, versions 0.9.0 and 0.10.0 of ODF
Toolkit were released a couple weeks ago - there will be an email
announcing this, but we are still procrastinating writing that
announcement email.

in the meantime i'd like to point out that the website

has been updated to have multiple versions of the javadoc available from

this is mainly because of the removal of the "simple API" in 0.10, so
you can still read the javadoc for the old version.

hopefully it's also very clear in the documentation that "simple API" is
deprecated so nobody starts using it accidentally.

in case you find anything obviously wrong with the website please file
an issue on GitHub.


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