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hi Vivien,

On 17/01/2024 18:26, vivien guillet wrote:

I cannot find the correct way to add mathml to an odt document using

I create a TextPElement / DrawFrameElement / DrawObjectElement container
with the MathML element in it this way:

TextPElement p = odt.getContentRoot().newTextPElement();
DrawFrameElement drawFrame = p.newDrawFrameElement();
DrawObjectElement drawObject= drawFrame.newDrawObjectElement();
MathMathElement math = drawObjectElement.newMathMathElement();

Then the actual mathml nodes in the object

OdfElement semantics = odt.getContentDom().createElement("semantics");

and so on using standard dom operations...

When I open the resulting odt, the object is empty.

Now if I hand-edit the odt zip content.xml file to add an
xmlns=""; attribute to the <math:math>
tag, everything displays just fine.

creating the math element using
OdfElement math =
yields the same (non working) result

working and non-working documents are in attachements.

unfortunately the mailing list doesn't appear to allow attachments...

perhaps try to copy the "draw:object" elment out of the non-working content.xml and send that inline, then we can have a look?

So my question is : what would be the correct way to add mathml inside a
document (with the correct mathml namespace attribute) ?

not only the math node must be in the math namespace but all of the descendants like "semantics" too - i think that's the most likely explanation: create every element with the namespace.

Any help would be appreciated !


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