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Hi Vivien,

the document

   - odfdom/src/main/resources/OdfTextDocument.odt

is only being loaded when you call

   - OdfTextDocument.newTextDocument();

if you desire other styles or the same styles for a different document you
load, you need to add those styles rather into the document or add them
afterwards with ODFDOM API!
In other words, if your custom document has no styles, then there are no
styles you can refer to!

Hope this can help you!

On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 at 11:40, vivien guillet <> wrote:

On 22/01/2024 11:33, Svante Schubert wrote:
Yes, you can rely on the template styles but automatic styles might
I will aim to keep the naming stable even from the automatic styles - but
usually they are only temporary.
Noted, thanks.

Oh, it seems that you may have missed one of my questions: do these high
level functionality rely on the default styles of the
odfdom/src/main/resources/OdfTextDocument.odt of the distribution beeing
used - that is to say : will they work with a custom base document not
defining any style, or different styles ?



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