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On 21/04/2024 15:21, Svante Schubert wrote:
Hello Jeremy,

On Sun, 21 Apr 2024 at 15:34, Jeremy Morton < <>> wrote:

    I've been looking into ways to edit ODF files from my C# program and
    was surprised at how limited it currently is.  Considering ODF is an
    open format I'd have thought there would be a straightforward way to
    do it but it seems that unless you happen to be using Java (and can
use this ODF Toolkit),
So far I was able to follow you...

    you actually have to install and run an
    instance of LibreOffice - then communicate with it using the
    LibreOffice SDK - to edit these files which seems like a rather crazy
way of doing things to me, especially on a server.
What scenario are you describing above?

As the ODF Toolkit page says "Unlike other approaches which rely on runtime manipulation of heavy-weight editors via an automation interface, the ODF Toolkit is lightweight and ideal for server use."

I believe that to manipulate ODFs using the LibreOffice SDK's CLI libraries (which is one of the only ways to do it from C# I think):

... you have to install and run LibreOffice. Instead of just opening files and modifying them, the libraries connect to LibreOffice and use some kind of RPC mechanism to get it to modify the files, introducing an enormous dependency of installing the LibreOffice suite, which I don't want to have especially on a server.

The ODFDOM of the ODF Toolkit is just Java and does not require a LibreOffice.

That's the point - this toolkit is much more like what I want. Problem is it's Java-only, hence my question.

As soon as someone requires a layout engine it makes sense to load the ODF in LibreOffice.

My program wouldn't require it, though, as it just wants to manipulate LibreOffice documents.

For instance, in case you like to generate an ODF document with the ODFDOM from data sources and finally like create a PDF from it.

    As the ODF Toolkit
    homepage acknowledges, this is a very heavyweight way to do things.

Could you provide the link, I am getting curious here :-)

The whole idea of manual porting seems awkward to me as you duplicate the maintenance costs. Found issues and new features have to be implemented for each language.

Is there a better way to do it? Automatic code generation? Given how different different languages are, that tends to be pretty hard to achieve in practice, although I'd take it if it were offered.

Best regards,
Jeremy Morton (Jez)

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