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I've been looking into ways to edit ODF files from my C# program and was surprised at how limited it currently is. Considering ODF is an open format I'd have thought there would be a straightforward way to do it but it seems that unless you happen to be using Java (and can use this ODF Toolkit), you actually have to install and run an instance of LibreOffice - then communicate with it using the LibreOffice SDK - to edit these files which seems like a rather crazy way of doing things to me, especially on a server. As the ODF Toolkit homepage acknowledges, this is a very heavyweight way to do things. Excel files, for instance, can just be edited directly using a library like EPPlus or NPOI.

Have there been any plans to port ODF Toolkit to other languages? Obviously in my case I'd like to see a C#/CLI version so I can just edit ODF documents in C# programs without running a whole LibreOffice install in the background, but porting it to Python, JS, etc. would also seem to be appropriate.

Best regards,
Jeremy Morton (Jez)

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