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hi Gerald,

On 28/08/2024 11:39, Winter, Gerald (eck*cellent IT) wrote:

I'm working with ODFToolkit and I have got some findings that might or might not be (known) bugs. 
Please let me know if I should create Issues on github.

- Many methods are declared with "throws Exception", for example OdfTextDocument.newParagraph(). 
There is no (visible) IO Operation, it is unclear why a generic Exception might be thrown that has to be 

sorry, no idea.

- TextSelection.replaceWith removes formatting when the matched text and the text with formatting are identical. For example when only the 
letter "x" is styled italic and TextNavigation("x", doc).next().replaceWith("y") is called "y" will 
not be italic anymore

at first glance that sounds like a bug. please file with a reproducer.

- There are vulnerabilities in used libraries: commons-collections:3.2.2, nimbus-jose-jwt:9.24.4

* commons-collections:3.2.2 is an indirect dependency used via several other Apache libraries, but i can't find anything about a vulnerability in that version?

here it is claimed that a vulnerability was fixed in version 3.2.2, unless one sets some "enableUnsafeSerialization" property to override the defaults.

* i can find no hint that nimbus-jose-jwt:9.24.4 is used anywhere?

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