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Hi Gerald,

I talked to Michael earlier and I can second his comments...

Just a few small additions to your three points:

   1. I just removed the exception you mentioned to see what would happen!
   First, remove the exception of the method and calling methods, until you
   get to the root cause, then go back up and add via IDE autocompletion all
   sub-exceptions in detail!
   It led me to the following minimal patch:
   I added some JavaDoc, which is not minimal and the JavaDoc might be
   But in general, you are right, the bundling of exceptions was a mistake
   of my inexperienced youth, as I never used/required the differentiation of
   Please don't hesitate to provide a patch so it meets your requirements.

   As we unsplit the parent exception class into sub-exception it will not
   be API incompatible, isn't it?
   But we are still in the 0.*.* version therefore if you have a strong
   scenario, we can still consider it. If it is an incompatible API change,
   perhaps there are automated tools to adopt them.

   This might be a nice scenario to test with an AI assistant, I started
   quickly testing it with Cursor using the model of Claude Sonnet 3.5:
   [image: image.png]
   2. This sounds indeed like a bug or missing feature.  Please don't
   hesitate to provide a patch so it meets your requirements. :-)
   3. If you run on the root level "*mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose*" and
   perhaps pipe the input into a text file e.g. via "*mvn dependency:tree
   -Dverbose > dependencies20240906 2>&1*"
   You will notice:
      1. That the toolkit does not use *nimbus-jose-jwt*, not even as an
      indirect dependency. I assume your project uses it.
      2. *commons-collections:jar:3.2.2* is used 10 times by several Apache
      libraries, where you should report the security issue.
      Currently, there is no issue publicly reported:

Best regards,

PS: I was distracted by summer and/or tax, please write again to the list
(or directly to myself), if no one answers, sometimes I do forget.. :-)

On Fri, 6 Sept 2024 at 11:37, Michael Stahl <> wrote:

hi Gerald,

On 28/08/2024 11:39, Winter, Gerald (eck*cellent IT) wrote:

I'm working with ODFToolkit and I have got some findings that might or
might not be (known) bugs. Please let me know if I should create Issues on

- Many methods are declared with "throws Exception", for example
OdfTextDocument.newParagraph(). There is no (visible) IO Operation, it is
unclear why a generic Exception might be thrown that has to be catched.

sorry, no idea.

- TextSelection.replaceWith removes formatting when the matched text and
the text with formatting are identical. For example when only the letter
"x" is styled italic and TextNavigation("x", doc).next().replaceWith("y")
is called "y" will not be italic anymore

at first glance that sounds like a bug. please file with a reproducer.

- There are vulnerabilities in used libraries:
commons-collections:3.2.2, nimbus-jose-jwt:9.24.4

* commons-collections:3.2.2 is an indirect dependency used via several
other Apache libraries, but i can't find anything about a vulnerability
in that version?

   here it is claimed that a vulnerability was fixed in version 3.2.2,
unless one sets some "enableUnsafeSerialization" property to override
the defaults.

* i can find no hint that nimbus-jose-jwt:9.24.4 is used anywhere?

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