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Hi, subject says all :-)
I've seen mention of Named Ranges methods in various ODF Toolkit Javadoc places and mailing lists (the latter back to even 2013), but nowhere can I find how I can get a simple list of Named Ranges in an .ods spreadsheet, maybe even incl. range name, worksheet name and cell range for each Named Range, starting from a workbook object.

Note I'm no Java programmer, not at all, I have just basic insight in Java.
But I'm a contributor to the Octave project and maintainer (since 2008) of the Octave add-on "io package" (see for main project, for add-on packages and for the io package). I'm using Octave's Java subsystem to invoke external Java SW methods for spreadsheet I/O. That has been working fine for many external Java projects, e.g., Apache POI, JExcelApi, OpenXLS, jOpenDocument, and even the LibreOffice Java-UNO bridge and -yes- ODF Toolkit. I'm busy updating the io package for a new release so would very much like to update the ODF Toolkit support in that package as well.

Philip Nienhuis

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