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We are going to use the ODF Toolkit for reports in our application.
What is the best way to use ODT as a template?

1. The Accountant is making ODT-Document with all the markup, include
placeholders like "$company-name" and then we use "Search and Replace
API"... How to use this method for working with Tables by the way? :)

2. Maybe there is a better way, something like placeholders with IDs, like
in HTML+JavaScript we can use? For example:
document.getElementById('status-label').innerText = 'Error';

3. Maybe there is some kind of even better way?

PS. We need NOT text only, but for some forms we need Tables, like the
Accountant makes the required amount of Columns, but with the only 1 empty
(or with placeholders) Row, which we can duplicate programmatically,
depending on how much data we have...

Is there anything to read about it, please?
Thank You very very much :)

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