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Thank you Michael for the docu correction.

Could you, or Svante, also please correct the download links for the bundles, at:

Under the topic: ODF Toolkit Release Bundles (latest)
All the three download-links – sources, binaries, documentation (and their sha) – for each version (0.10.0 and 0.9.0) result in the error message "not found".
Thanks for all your good work for Libreoffice and its important Odftoolkit!


Am 26.08.2021 um 16:11 schrieb Michael Stahl:
On 26.08.21 11:49, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 26.08.21 10:01, Malte Stien wrote:
I started using the publicly hosted java docs here: What version are they for? They are telling me the OdfTextDocument has been deprecated in favour of "org.odftoolkit.simple.TextDocument in Simple API", but then again that has been deprecated, right?
yes, that was bug

i don't actually know what's on, that server is manually maintained by TDF infra and likely outdated.
the most up to date is here, deployed automatically from the master branch:

... although the JavaDoc in there is also outdated, last updated in 2019 :(

uh... well... if you build the source via maven the current JavaDoc is generated...
not even that is the case, you have to invoke "mvn javadoc:javadoc" to get it

but i've updated it now in the master branch and the JavaDoc on should be up to date now :)

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